ITS Asset Management System

Courtney Coffey, Donovan Dixon, Brody Woodard, and Jacob Inabinet

Lander University ITS manages numerous electronic devices campus-wide. Keeping proper documentation of devices allows management of these devices to be easier and eliminates confusion and potential loss. The purpose of this project is to allows technicians to search for, edit, and look at details of assets of Lander ITS in a variety of ways. Each asset contains a name, asset tag, and other defining details. Devices that are managed with our system can include computers, projectors, speakers, microphone, monitors, etc. The system is being designed in hopes it can be hosted on a Lander server allowing technicians access to this software in real time anywhere on the campus network.

  • Courtney Coffey is a senior studying Computer Information System, Software Development. She has gained work experience throughout her years at Lander by working with ITS Repair and interning with WCTel. She plans to continue her future in an information technology career upon graduation.

  • Donovan Dixon is a Senior studying Computer Information Systems, with a emphasis in Networking. He is part of the Cyber Security Team at Lander and is from Aiken South Carolina.

  • Brody Woodard is a Senior studying Computer Information Systems with a dual degree in Computer Engineering. Next semester, he will attend Clemson University to pursue a degree in Computer Engineering. During his time at Clemson, he plans to partake in a co-op program to gain work experience before graduating.

  • Jacob Inabinet is a senior at Lander University who is a Computer Information System major, with an emphasis in networking and a minor in cybersecurity.




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