
Winner of the Judge’s Choice Award

Codrin Cobzaru, Joshua John, Jordan Kothe, and Darian Ray

ParkSmart is a proof of concept project directed towards benefitting the faculty and student body, as well as the Lander University Police Department. Much like any other high traffic area, the parking at Lander is scarce, creating frustration among students and faculty when they own a pass and drive all the way to the parking lot just to find out that there is no spot available. ParkSmart will assist in making the pass owners experience better by informing them if there are any parking spots available through the use of a web application. On the other side, the use of license plate reading software which utilizes a machine learning model will allow us to provide a added layer of security for LUPD. Our system will track all the traffic coming in and out of the parking lot using hardware components such as microprocessing boards, cameras and sensors. The system will also compare the cars’ information against the valid passes inside the Microsoft SQL server database to flag the unauthorized users and display it to the LUPD portal.

  • Codrin Cobzaru graduated from St. Johnsbury Academy in Vermont. He is currently a senior at Lander University studying Computer Information Systems with emphasis in Software Development and minoring in Cybersecurity and Business Management. Codrin is technically skilled in hardware components and software applications, and is passionate about business ventures. He is currently working for Truss Technologies, a security technology development company up in Boston, Massachusetts.

  • Joshua John is a senior Computer Information Systems major at Lander with an emphasis in Networking and software development. He is minoring in Cybersecurity and is currently the co-captain of the Cyber Defense Team and has competed in multiple collegiate level cybersecurity competitions. After graduation he plans to attend grad-school in cyber security and machine learning.

  • Jordan Kothe is attending Lander University studying Computer Information Systems (network emphasis) with a minor in Cyber Security. Currently Jordan is employed with a small multiple service provider in Greenville called Medical Data Systems. After graduation Jordan plans to continue in the field of MSPs and potentially transition into datacenter maintenance.

  • Darian Ray graduated from Liberty High School in Liberty, South Carolina. She is currently attending Lander University as a Software Development major with a minor in Graphic Design. In the past, she has been involved with many different multi media projects, such as website design and digital marketing. She is passionate about learning new skills and has talent in fine art. Currently, she is employed in the TRACS department of Lander University.


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