Cheetahs: A Meta Analysis (Acinonyx jubatus)


Mekensie Therrien

Though cheetahs are a very popular species, few people know much about them. With this ignorance, humans have driven cheetahs nearly to extinction. As the cheetah population decreases, scientists gain insights on what can be done to save this magnificent creature. The goal of this paper is to condense scientific findings about cheetahs into one source for others to use. This paper discusses the case studies recorded by Joy Adamson, the historical and modern threats to cheetah survival, and the physical and behavioral characteristics that distinguish cheetahs from other species. I consider this to be a living document; I plan to continue this research, as the plight and fortitude of the cheetah have captured my heart.

  • Mekensie Therrien is a senior psychology and Spanish major. She was selected to present her research on mental illness in political candidates at the American Psychological Association in August 2020, and she presented her research on stigma at the National Conference of Undergraduate Research in April 2019. Mekensie practiced her Spanish in Madrid for three month sand hopes to build a career in therapeutic horsemanship for at-risk and Spanish-speaking youth after graduation.

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