Benjamin Banneker: Exploring the Mathematical Legacy of an African American Astronomer and Mathematician
Tyler Berry
The poster focuses on Benjamin Banneker, an influential figure in American history, renowned for his contributions to mathematics and science during the 18th century. Banneker, a self-taught mathematician and astronomer, made significant strides in advancing mathematical knowledge, particularly in the fields of trigonometry and geometry, through his meticulous observations and calculations. Despite facing challenges due to racial prejudices of his time, Banneker's work garnered recognition and respect from prominent figures such as Thomas Jefferson, with whom he engaged in a correspondence challenging prevailing racial stereotypes. This research poster aims to explore Banneker's life, his contributions to mathematics, his interactions with significant figures, and the historical context in which he navigated as an African American scholar in colonial America.
Tyler Berry graduated from Darlington High School and is a dual-degree math and engineering major. In the fall, Tyler will continue his studies at Clemson University, where he will pursue a degree in Electrical Engineering.