A Look Into Fractals

Winner of the Judge’s Choice Award

Anna Fosberry

This project is on the structure of fractals and how they are formed. A fractal is a curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole. The concepts that are a part of developing fractals are rooted in both Real and Complex Analysis. This presentation will investigate some of the most common two-dimensional and three-dimensional fractals as well as proving the phenomenon of the Koch Snowflake. This phenomenon states that the Koch Snowflake has an infinite perimeter while maintaining a bounded area. I will prove this, not only with the mathematical evidence, but also with a program designed to generate the fractal I am discussing.

  • Anna Fosberry is a junior mathematic and engineering major. She graduated from Beaufort High School in 2018 and is currently a member of Lander University’s Women’s Rugby team. After her time at Lander, she plans to attend Clemson University to pursue her Mechanical Engineering degree and work with the BMW program partnered with Clemson.


Mathematical Social Choice