Fractals and Their Applications to Antennae

Trey Runck         

This project covers the structure and application of fractals. A fractal is a curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole. Fractals are generated from complex functions which can be reiterated an infinite number of times, generating shapes possessing infinite perimeter but only finite area. This presentation will investigate Julia sets as well as the Mandelbrot set, explained in the context of complex numbers and functions.  I will also show how to construct an antenna using Koch/Meander fractals and IFS.

  • Trey Runck is a junior mathematic and engineering major. He graduated from Wando High School in 2020 and is currently enrolled at both Clemson and Lander University. After graduation he plans to move back home to Charleston and work at Boeing.


Euler's Theorem


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