Ada Lovelace

Sydney Harris

My paper on Ada Lovelace dives into her childhood, her family, her education, the opportunities she was given, and even how she became the first computer programmer. Ada was always imaginative and determined and naturally observant as a child. Her imagination and determination allowed her to think about math metaphysically and write about Babbage’s Analytical Machine that brought it to life. Not only did Ada Lovelace open the door to computer programming as a whole, but she also allowed women and imaginative minds to find their place in mathematics and science. Augusta Ada Byron, later Lovelace, was born on December 10th, 1815 in London. Ada’s education and opportunities led her to be an important factor in Charles Babbage's newest idea. She is considered the first computer programmer because of her work with Charles Babbage and his Analytical Machine. Her work inspired many computer programmers after her how to envision a task for a computer and how to set up a program for it.


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