Black Teachers for Black Students

Natalie Simmons

It is imperative that students of color see representations of people who resemble them in the educational system. Research shows that students of color gain advantages from having teachers of color. Teachers of color give students of color an atmosphere of security and make the school climate warmer and more inviting for minority students. For example, one study shows that students of color increase their chances of obtaining a higher education when they benefit from the presence of a black teacher. For a school to achieve the advantages offered by educators of color, it must have strategies to recruit and retain them. This poster reviews the recently published research available in the Lander Library database to demonstrate the importance of minority representation in the classroom and best practices for schools seeking a diverse workforce.

  • Natalie Simmons is a senior interdisciplinary studies major graduating in May. Natalie has accepted a position to begin her career as an early childhood interventionist.


Peer Mentor into Classroom Teacher


Prayer in School