Greenwood Genetic Center Clinical Image Management System

John Broughton, Christopher Farmer, James Ryan Norris, and Peyton Tolley


The Greenwood Genetic Center uses stored pictures that are taken during an appointment with a patient. They currently use a dated method of storing and retrieving the images and the associated metadata. Our project is to update the storing and retrieving method with a website interface. There a user will filter metadata by specified fields to find the desired image. The user will be able to upload new images with metadata and download desired images.

  • John Broughton is a junior at Lander University who is currently double majoring in computer information systems and computer engineering and plan on graduating in the fall of 2022.

  • Christopher Farmer is a graduating senior at Lander University. He is studying Computer Information Systems and minor in cybersecurity.

  • James Norris graduated from Emerald High School in Greenwood. He is a senior in Computer Information Systems with a concentration on software development and minor in cybersecurity. James’s hobbies include woodworking, running, and snowboarding.

  • Peyton Tolley is a graduating senior at Lander University who is studying Computer Information Systems with a minor in business administration.

GGC Image Mgmt System Final Presentation.jpg

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