Controversies surrounding Evolutionary Theories and Five Major Religions

Katie Bell and Maria Rubio Arteaga

Religion and evolution have been taught separately from one another in most public school systems. In this poster presentation we explore the similarities, differences, and major controversies surrounding religion and its attitudes towards major evolutionary theories. Theories and controversies to be discussed include the five major world religions and their core beliefs in addition to key ideas of the scientific/evolutionary perspective regarding creationism, Darwin’s theory, natural selection, court cases in education and more.

  • Katie Bell is a freshman psychology major pursuing two minors in entrepreneurship and therapeutic horsemanship. She is also a member of Honors College and the Honors College Leadership Council. Katie is also a LINK 101 Peer Leader and a member of the equestrian team.

  • Maria Rubio Arteaga is a freshman psychology major with a minor in child and family studies from Columbia, SC. She is a member of the Honors College and the Honors College Leadership Council. She is also a Presidential Ambassador, LINK 101 Peer Leader, and vice-president of Animal Advocates.


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