“Keeps Them Coming Back for More,” An Inquiry into how Lander University Students Choose Fast Food Restaurants

Peyton Mennetti


This project examines fast food marketing strategies and consumer decisions that college students make when grabbing a quick meal. Specifically, how do Lander University students choose to spend their money in Greenwood, South Carolina’s glutted fast food market? This research investigated that question, beginning with the hypothesis that Lander students would opt for less expensive and more convenient food. A combination of secondary research, two focus groups, and a campus-wide survey revealed that food quality won out over cost or convenience as the most influential factor in students’ decision-making. Lander students are willing to sacrifice almost any other factor of a fast food experience out of “food loyalty,” a principle that should impact the priorities of businesses within this market.

  • Peyton Mennetti is a business administration major in the management and marketing emphasis. Peyton served as a Presidential Ambassador and leader in Phi Mu, and she held many additional leadership roles in various clubs and organizations. She still found time to study abroad in Turin, Italy during the Spring 2019 semester, taking coursework in the Italian language, media, and management. Peyton received the 2020 Business Management & Marketing Award.


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