Interracial Adoptions

Daeshnae Stanley


Children are adopted for many reasons such as the biological parents not being able to care for the child in the ways that are needed. In some cases, the race of the adopted child is the same as that of the adopting parents, but sometimes it is different. This thesis looks at the sociology of interracial adoptions, such as those in which the adoptive parents may be Caucasian and the child is African American. Interracial adoptions have become more popular in the United States. Currently in the U.S., it is estimated that 135,000 children are adopted each year, but out of those only 15% are interracial adoptions. Today, the most common form of interracial adoptions are Caucasian families adopting African American children. This research shows that interracial adoptions are very complicated and many white families are denied the chance to adopt an interracial child.

  • Daeshnae Staley graduated from South Aiken Baptist Christian School in Aiken and is currently a senior majoring in sociology. She wants to be social worker to work with military families. After graduating from Lander she hopes to go to grad school to get a Master’s degree.


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