A Life Behind Closed Doors: Divorce and Children

Madison Collier


In society, divorces are becoming more common than in previous years. About 40-50 percent of marriages in the US are likely to end up in a divorce. In this paper I address the impact of divorce on children. Children are impacted by a divorce even before the divorce is finalized. Many families see these behaviors of their children to be normal and overlook treatment. For example, children of divorce express anger, aggression, and anxiety issues. Children of ages of 7-14 are at more greatest risk to suffer from physical and mental issues. For example, a child may start having a eating disorder due to the divorce and could either gain or lose weight. The paper looks at the unique impact of divorce on young children and young teenagers and why they have to suffer significantly more in the divorce. The paper also addresses solutions for helping children of divorced families through counseling and other treatment methods.

  • Madison Collier and graduated from Ninety Six High School in Ninety Six, SC, and is currently a senior sociology major. With experience from an internship at Ninety Six Primary with the school's guidance counselor, after graduating she wants to become a children's counselor.


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