Ways to Promote African American Integration in Southern Baptist Churches

Brooke Tipton

Observation of churches reveals them to be some of the most racially segregated institutions in American society. The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has a history of embodying this especially. This denomination was born out of an attitude of acceptance towards slavery in the mid-nineteenth century. In more recent years, Southern Baptist leadership has denounced those roots and verbally affirmed the equality of all races. While numerous previous studies identify disheartening racial demographics within the SBC and the culture that perpetuates them, this mixed methods research explores steps Southern Baptist churches could take towards racial reconciliation, with a focus on African American integration.

  • Brooke Tipton is from North Augusta, South Carolina. She is a senior majoring in sociology, with minors in nonprofit management, human services, and religion. Brooke is currently pursuing international mission and humanitarian work.


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