Partner-Reported Difficulties in their Relationship due to Sexual Assault

Kassandra Gossett

It is already known that survivors of sexual assault experience a wide range of complications, such as communication issues, negative emotions, lack of trust, and difficulties in sexuality. Numerous articles have examined these effects on the survivor and their relationship, but not as many have touched on the partner’s perspective and how they are affected. Therefore, a thematic analysis was used to identify difficulties in romantic relationships that were reported by the partner of sexual assault survivors. By using qualitative data from various Reddit posts, it was concluded that five over-arching themes were 1) communication difficulties, 2) sexual difficulties, 3) conflictive emotions, 4) confusion on partner’s role, and 5) confusion on relationship status. Communication difficulties was defined by a lack of communication, difficulty in bringing up serious topics of conversation, such as an inability to discuss their thoughts and feelings about the sexual assault (e.g., “I cannot tell her what's on my mind every day because even just bringing it up hurts her”). Sexual difficulties was defined by unfulfilled sexual interests and a lack of physical closeness, such as cuddling or holding hands (e.g., “The problem is we will be laying in bed…within seconds she pulls away and begs me to leave her alone”). Conflictive emotions was defined as negative feelings towards their partner, relationship, or both (e.g., “I feel terrible for asking for sex because she either denies me or I feel guilty because I know she's been traumatized”). Confusion on partner’s role was defined as problems with how they fit into the relationship and their partner’s life (e.g., “I feel selfish because I hoped that I would be more important than two cats and a dog”). Confusion on relationship status was defined by concerns for the present relationship and the future (e.g., “If this is how it will be forever I just couldn't do it”). The five themes discussed by Redditors highlight the importance of both partners needing help for relational difficulties following sexual assault.

  • Kassandra Gossett is a senior psychology major with a minor in human services. She is a member of the Alpha Chi National Honor Society, Psi Chi International Honor Society, and Treasurer for the Psychology Club. Kassandra hopes to obtain a graduate degree in the field of psychology or social work to become a counselor for children and adolescents.


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