Identification with All Humanity Predicts Perceptions of COVID-19 Safety Precautions

Morgan Ferqueron

Predictors of compliance with and perceptions of public health measures related to COVID-19 were examined. Factors included: personality, political orientation, right wing authoritarianism (RWA), social dominance orientation (SDO), religiosity, and identification with all humanity (IWAH). Previous research has established the impact of political liberalism (Kerr et al., 2020) and personality (Bogg & Milad, 2020) on adherence to COVID-19 public health guidelines. We hypothesized that support for and compliance with COVID-19 health measures would be associated with less RWA, less SDO, and greater IWAH. The findings suggest that a fruitful tactic for increasing compliance with public health measures for COVID-19 is framing the issue as a way to contribute to the welfare of broader society.

  • Morgan Ferqueron is a graduating senior psychology major with a minor in child and family studies. She is a part of the Honors College, Honors College Leadership Council, Psi Chi, and Alpha Chi. She is also the vice president of Psyc Club and a PSYC 101 Supplemental Instructor. In the fall, she will begin graduate school for clinical psychology at UofSC-Aiken.


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