Convergence of the Jacobi Method

Raquel Acco

This project will provide a sufficient condition for convergence of the Jacobi method, which is an iterative technique for approximating a solution of a system of equations. I will talk about matrix norms and what it means to be strictly diagonally dominant. A big component to this project is the spectral radius, which is the max absolute eigenvalue of a matrix. I will also go through some examples to illustrate the concepts in the presentation.

Raquel Acco is a junior in the mathematics dual engineer program. She graduated from A. C. Flora high school in 2019 and is also a part of the Lander Women’s Tennis team. In the fall of 2022, she plans to attend Clemson University to pursue her civil engineering degree.


The Sum of Four Squares and Quaternions


Isometries of Spherical Geometry