Caroline Taylor: Local Politics

Starting my internship in May, I already had decided that I was not receiving the same opportunity I originally planned on completing. Due to the coronavirus, I had to complete my Breakaway internship entirely from home. This was not the experience I planned on undertaking. 

Before the sudden and unexpected change in plans, I would have been working from the State House in Columbia. I was going to receive countless opportunities to interact with State Representatives and get to sit in on meetings with legislators. I was going to get the opportunity to sit in on a session when legislation is being voted on and passed. 

Pondering on the possible experiences I was going to miss out on, I already did not have the right attitude beginning my internship. I was not looking forward to spending my summer behind a computer at my house. 

After the first few weeks, my attitude about my situation quickly shifted. I found ways that allowed me to have an actual impact on others. This was one of my primary desires of what I wanted to accomplish. This was one reason I was driven to find a political internship within my state. I was blessed with the opportunity to intern for someone who directly impacts my community. 

While I wish there was one experience that I could share about, I find myself remembering an overall impactful summer experience. I remember more of the tasks I completed and the impact they had. No one day sticks out in my mind as being special or extraordinary. Nonetheless, I still feel my experiences were monumental. 

One experience that really changed my attitude was the opportunity to help constituents. I got to touch the life of another every time constituents contacted to Rep. McCravy for help. One time I really got to help someone else was when one constituent in particular reached out to us. This constituent was heavily impacted by Covid-19. He had lost his job and was struggling to get assistance. He had called the South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce, but was unable to get anyone to talk to him. 

I was able to assist Rep. McCravy in helping this person. We contacted DEW and got the right person to look into the constituent’s unemployment case. After we initially started helping this constituent, his problem was solved relatively fast compared to the normal process. He was able to find comfort in the fact that a politician really did care about his situation and was willing to help him. 

By helping this constituent, I got to see how politicians really can make an impact. Interning for Rep. McCravy, I got to witness lots of occasions like this. We received emails concerning other unemployment issues, healthcare, financial struggles due to the unexpected pandemic, concerns about the future of education. All these incidences gave me the perspective to see that big picture ideas I hear about on the news and study in my college courses really do affect people and their everyday lives. I felt that even the small part I played in helping these constituents made a difference. This gave me perspective that I can have an impact on my community and other people through any career I choose in the future. 

These experiences showed me how important politicians on the state level can be. I got to help impact the lives of others. I also was amazed that I got to experience unique opportunities without even leaving my home. I also got the pleasure of working on Rep. McCravy’s campaign for reelection and the opportunity to conduct research on legislation. The experience I received through my Break Away definitely helped me to further my development. The experiences I was given were invaluable even though I had to complete the entire process at home. This part did cause me to feel in the beginning as though the experience would not be as insightful. Looking back, I think I took away the same lessons and experiences I would have gained regardless of circumstances due to the coronavirus.

Interning for Rep. John McCravy has given me a greater knowledge about the job of a South Carolina State Representative. I was able to experience the day to day practices of a local politician. I was able to research legislations and learn more about the process through which a bill in our state is passed. I was also able to see firsthand how a Representative is able to impact the community. I helped Rep. McCravy assist constituents and solve their problems. I also got to help Rep. McCravy recognize people in the community. During the course of my internship, he presented many state house resolutions to teachers, first responders, and others in his district. He also presented a police officer with a Governor’s award.   

This newfound insight is significant because it caused me to rethink career options. I did not consider myself as someone who would want to consider a career in politics before starting my Break Away. Now, I have realized that I like politics more than I enjoyed my prior experience working at a law firm. Because of the valuable insight I was exposed to, I think I will definitely look at doing something with politics in the future. It also has given me a greater understanding as to why government is so important at the state and national levels and that local politicians can have a profound impact. 

The South Carolina State House located in Columbia, SC.

Caroline Taylor majors in Political Science and completed her Breakaway by interning for South Carolina State Representative John R. McCravy III. Because of Covid-19, she was forced to adapt and complete her internship for the State House remotely. She will graduate in Spring 2021. After graduation, she plans to pursue a career in law or politics. 


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