Graduation: Hopes, Fears, and Dreams

Jadyn Sopha

Graduating is an important milestone in many people’s lives. For many, it is the end of education and a step into the real world. Even for those heading to grad school, there are major lifestyle shifts approaching. This short film looks at the hopes and fears of those who are days away from graduation and their plans. It will show the perspective of several people from different majors and how their paths compared or varied. There is also a great deal of retrospective on what they accomplished during their time in college and how it matched up to their initial expectations. The film takes a look at their successes and failures, and how these have shaped how they will target the future. It will look at what stood out to them during their time at Lander and also be a celebration of what they have accomplished.

  • Jadyn Sopha is a senior mass communications and media studies major with a minor in film studies, and he graduates in May 2022. His experiences include multiple internships, being a member of the Honors College, and being a part of both XLR and the LUX studio. After graduation, he plans to work in video production.


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