Rewilding and Why It Is Important for How We Interact with Nature

A.J. Davidson

Rewilding is a type of conservation that involves restoring damaged ecosystems. An important aspect of rewilding is conserving larger animals, especially predators, because these animals are incredibly important to their ecosystems. Protecting these species can be difficult and controversial, though. Rewilding also includes measures such as reforestation and removal of dams. Often, the process of reintroducing wildlife or removing human elements from an ecosystem has substantive and far-reaching benefits. Rewilding is an important way of moderating our impact on wilderness and provides a framework for taking restorative actions towards nature.

  • A.J. Davidson is a junior with an English major and business administration minor at Lander University. He is an active member of the History Club, English Club, and the Honors College. He has worked for Best Lawyers and is currently interning at the Greenwood Museum.


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