The Supporting Tree

Ashley Beatriz

This project shares a lesson sequence created for a third through fifth grade classroom with the goal of fostering skills in English and language arts. Learning outcomes include identifying key details to support a theme, fluently telling a story that includes details and facts, demonstrating listening skills by answering questions, creating an illustration based on a short film, and writing an opinion essay following a rubric. The theme of the unit was autumn and each lesson included 2-3 various activities targeting the different  learners such as auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. For example, some lessons include YouTube videos, followed by a sketch to stretch activity and a collaborative project. Other lessons include reading poems, interactive games, and creating a PowerPoint. By incorporating a wide range of experiences, we can encourage students to think about the ways in which they learn differently. As Ignacio Estrada has said, “If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn” (Gutierrez, 2014).

Gutierrez, L. (2014). Cognitive science: adult training and development. Retrieved from

  • Ashley Beatriz is a graduating elementary education major. Her experiences at Lander include being a member of the Honors College, Alpha Chi Honor Society, and Kappa Delta Pi Society. She also worked for the Housing Department as a Resident Assistant. After graduating in May of 2022, Ashley will begin her teaching career in the Oconee County Schools.


How Kinesthetic Learning Improves the Success of a Classroom