Exploration of the New Plantation: troubling truth of black collegiate athletics in the South

Kameron J. Morgan

This oral presentation will explore the history of black collegiate athletics in Southern states throughout history in both predominantly white institutions and in historically black colleges and institutions. Understanding the effects that the collegiate athletic system has on black students is important as it reflects this nation's dissatisfying past and highlights how discriminatory tendencies/practices have changed but not gone away. This oral presentation will provide examples of prior studies done on this topic and firsthand accounts from student-athletes of color from Lander's campus today, which will express the immediacy and importance of this research.

  • Kameron Morgan graduated from Spring Valley High School and is a freshman mathematics and engineering major. His achievements include being accepted into the Honors College, working as an assistant teacher at two school under the teacher cadet program, and being awarded a certificate for being one of a hundred students of color with exceptional academic performance in his hometown of Columbia.


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