MalMail - Malicious Email Detection and Management System

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Cody Barr, T. Bryant Roach, and Zach Simmons

According to PhishLabs, “over 94% of detected malware is delivered by email.” According to US-CERT, “user education is the number one way to prevent effective phishing attempts in your organization.” The MalMail malicious email evaluator is intended to address malicious emails by providing end users a way to quickly and accurately assess suspected phishing emails. When a user forwards a suspected email to MalMail, the system will evaluate the messages content, metadata, links, and attachments and generate a report for the user and administrators. Reports will contain a maliciousness score to advise users on what to do with the email. Listing the reasons for the maliciousness score will help to educate users on what to look out for in phishing emails. Collecting this information for administrators will provide them greater transparency into the email borne threats to their organization.

  • Zach Simmons is a senior Computer Information Systems major at Lander University. He is minoring in Cybersecurity. His achievements include interning in software development at FujiFilm and acting as a member of the Lander Technology Club. Zach is graduating in Spring 2020 and will pursue a career in software engineering.

  • Bryant Roach is a senior Computer Information Systems major at Lander with an emphasis in Networking. He is minoring in Cybersecurity and is currently the co-captain of the Cyber Defense Team. He has interned for Fujifilm as well as his current internship at KSC Logistics. Bryant is graduating Spring 2020 and will pursue a career in cybersecurity.

  • Cody Barr is a senior Computer Information Systems major at Lander with an emphasis in Networking. He is minoring in Cybersecurity and is currently the captain of the Cyber Defense Team and has competed in multiple collegiate level cybersecurity competitions. Cody is graduating Spring 2020 and will commission as an Officer in the Army Reserve and will pursue a career in cybersecurity.


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