Software Development Internship at Fujifilm Manufacturing

Jerald Hollingsworth      

During my time as a software development intern at Fujifilm, I was tasked with helping update existing management web apps and desktop apps. My most noteworthy project that I partook in was building a desktop app that allowed the production floor to have a graphical interface to maintain and input boxes of batched film rolls. My goal with this presentation is to provide insight as to what I learned during my time at fuji as well as what I worked on. Hopefully throughout the process I can provide others advice on internships and software development in general.              

  • Jerald Hollingsworth is from Spokane, Washington. He graduated from Cheney Highschool in Cheney, Washington. Jerald is a senior CIS major with an emphasis on software development and is minoring in Cybersecurity. He has garnered experience in front-end, back-end, and application development as a Software Development intern for Fujifilm of South Carolina and as a part-time employee for ANSOL, inc.   




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