Identification and Quantification of Heavy Metals in Infant Foods
Jessica Basheer, Alysa Bagwell
Recent recalls of baby and infant foods have brought to question the levels of heavy metals in food products. Heavy metals in food products, particularly food products marketed for consumption by infants, is a significant public health concern. The Food and Drug Administration has released a plan of action to begin lowering the acceptable levels of heavy metals in foods closer to zero. The lack of peer-reviewed data profiling the heavy-metal content of foods represents a significant hurdle for the Food and Drug Administration. In this study we quantify the heavy-metal concentrations of several potentially hazardous metals as well as non-hazardous metals.
Jessica Basheer graduated from Lennard High School in Ruskin, Florida. She is a senior chemistry major with an emphasis in forensic science and a minor in criminal justice.
Alysa Bagwell graduated from Laurens 55 High School in Laurens County. She is a senior chemistry major with a minor in forensics.