Metazoan Parasites Infecting Lake Greenwood Fish

Kyra Smith

Twenty-seven fish representing six different species were captured by hook and line from Lake Greenwood and examined for metazoan parasites including one redear sunfish, one red breast sunfish, three green sunfish, seven bluegill, eight spotted bass, and seven white perch. Dactylogyrus sp. was recovered from all six species. Spinitectus carolini was recovered from all fish species except red breast sunfish. Camallanus oxycephalus infected the redear sunfish, red breast sunfish, bluegill, and spotted bass. Crepidostomum cooperi was found in the redear sunfish, green sunfish, and bluegill. Capillaria catenata and Goezia sp. were identified in green sunfish, bluegill, and spotted bass. Ergasilus caeruleus was found in the gills of spotted bass and red breast sunfish. Evidence of glochidia was found in the gills of white perch, red breast sunfish, bluegill, and spotted bass. The parasites recovered in this study are all ubiquitous parasites of freshwater fishes, although individual species of Dactylogyrus tend to display significant host specificity.

  • Kyra Smith graduated from Summerville High School and is a senior biology major with a minor in chemistry. She’s a member of the Honors College and her achievements include giving a poster presentation at the SC Upstate Research Symposium and interning at Greenwood Metropolitan District in Greenwood, SC.


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