Around the Conference Table:  Student Experience at the NCECA Conference in Cincinnati, OH. 

Kelsey Wise, Abigail Allen, Favio Delgado, Hope Hardy, Rebekah Marcengill, Ana Moreno, Kristina Peay, Noriyah Robinson, Carla Sease, David Urbanic

This round table panel discussion will focus on the individual experiences of each Lander student who attended and participated in the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA) conference in Cincinnati Ohio.  This annual conference focuses on art-based education and sharing, as well as academic presentations on ceramic techniques and issues in the field.  In addition, the conference hosts hands-on demonstrations, academic talks, exposure to a wide array of ceramic work, and unique experiences.  The trip allowed Lander students the opportunity to experience a national conference to its fullest, including participation in an exhibition and having a professional critique.  Students had the opportunity to research post-graduate opportunities for residencies and graduate programs, and make connections with working artists, educators and students.  Students will share their individual experiences and answer questions posed by the audience.          

  • Kelsey Wise graduated from Lander in 2021 with a Bachelor of Science in Art, with K-12 Certification.  She is currently pursuing a 3D Master of Fine Art degree and her focus is ceramics.  While she has been at Lander, she has participated in the Sand Sculpture Exhibition at Lander and the instART exhibit at the Greenwood Arts Center.  She serves as a mentor to undergraduate ceramics students.     

  • Abigayle Allen is graduate of Fort Dorchester High School and a 3D Bachelor of Fine Arts major at Lander University.  She has participated in multiple juried exhibitions including the 2023 Student Juried Art Exhibition at Lander and the Local Looks Exhibition at the Art Center of Greenwood. 

  • Favio Delgado is a Bachelor of Design major at Lander.  He has a wide range of skills including choreography, dance, painting and photography.  His photo won 1St place in the 2022 Student Juried Exhibition.  Favio is a National Guard Soldier.

  • Hope Hardy is currently pursuing a 3D Bachelor of Fine Arts at Lander and has exhibited her artwork in multiple exhibitions including the Local Look at the Art Center of Greenwood, and in the uptown Art Walk.  Hope is building a broad skill set including drawing and painting, and working with wood, metal, and clay sculpturally.          

  • Ana Moreno is a 3D Bachelor of Fine Arts major at Lander.  She is active in the department and currently serves as the sculpture studio manager, and has volunteered for department events like Artrageous and the Sculpture Death Match.  In 2023, her sculpture Untitled, won Best in Show at the Lander Student Juried Art Exhibition.

  • Kristina Peay is a graduate of Lexington High School and is pursuing a 3D Bachelor of Fine Art degree at Lander.  She is also one of Lander’s honor students.  In 2023, her piece, Rorschach, was exhibited in the Intercollegiate Exhibition at the Spartanburg Library.  As part of her experience as an Honor’s College student, Kristina plans to attend an artist residency this summer.

  • Noriyah Robinson is a 2D Bachelor of Fine Arts major focusing on painting and photography.  She is especially interested in still-life composition in both oil painting and photography.

  • Rebekah Marcengill is a graduate of Greenwood Christian High School and is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a minor in Ceramics at Lander.  She has presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association and has served as a teaching assistant in the Lander class, Psyc 330.

  • Carla Sease is a graduate of Gilbert High School and is pursuing a 3D Bachelor of Fine Art at Lander.  She has exhibited her artwork in the 2023 Student Juried Art Exhibition at Lander.  In fact, her sculpture, Bubble Bracelet, won 2nd place in the category of Sculpture.

  • David Urbanic is pursuing a 2D Bachelor of Fine Art at Lander.  He is a prolific artist with interests in both 2D and 3D media.  His artwork been awarded in the categories of Painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, and Photography.  David has also exhibited work in the SC Festival of Flowers and the Peach belt Art Exhibition.


Rationality as a Cherished Quality in Robinson Crusoe and The Female Quixote