The Lander University

2024 Student Academic Symposium

Proposals Due Friday, March 15

The Academic Symposium will be held

April 16th-19th, 2024

on the campus of Lander University.

The Academic Symposium is a showcase for outstanding student work completed throughout the year. All Lander undergraduate and graduate students are invited to propose research-based presentations or creative projects on any topic.

  • Projects may be proposed individually or in groups.

  • Projects can be shared as 10-minute oral presentations or digital presentations -or- as research posters.

    • Thematic panels of 10-minute presentations will be scheduled throughout the week.

    • Research posters will be presented at the Multidisciplinary Poster Session on Thursday, April 18 from 4 to 6 pm.

Click HERE to submit a proposal!

Step 1: Decide what topic / which project you want to present and ask a faculty member to be your sponsor.  Your sponsor will help you decide how your project would fit best at an academic conference.

Step 2:  Write an abstract—a one-paragraph summary of your project.  Proofread carefully and ask your faculty sponsor to give feedback on your abstract, as this info will be published in the conference proceedings. Need inspiration? Check out abstracts from last year in the 2023 Symposium Proceedings

Step 3:  In addition to the abstract, you'll need a 1-3 sentence bio.  If you’re presenting as part of a team, you’ll need bios from your teammates, as well.

Step 4:  Once your sponsor has approved your abstract, submit your proposal using the link above!